
'Veteran Beauty' Artwork by Ofoma Chinemelu

Charcoal and Graphite on Smooth paper - 49 * 60 cm

You laugh at her because of her scars.
You say she's ugly, that she has the lines of a witch. But you forget she once was like you, that her face did gleam of grace before the world pulled away all her threads, all that bonded her. 
Her scars are signs of love, of broken love, of pieces of love glued together by years of resilience. 
Her scars are light too, but you don't see it because you are young and blind.
She's magic. Magic comes with different lines of victory drawn by time.

Credits:Reference 📷-@adedotvn 
Ode - Izuchukwu Onyedibiemma Udokwu

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